For centuries, the size of a person’s household was a measure of his or her wealth. That is still true today to some extent, but the rise in the standard of living has had its effect as well. Families of modest means can afford to hire a day worker to look after children while both parents work or a maid for a half of the day to help with cleaning. Jobs in diversity through household work in the United States were often considered the first step on the economic ladder for immigrant families. Now many of the agencies that hire out help for household jobs are run by the sons and daughters of those workers.
The diversity career and the nature of the tasks performed by private household workers can best be described by function. The general house worker or day worker is hired by hour, fulfills numerous duties from cleaning furnishings and making beds to buying, cooking, and serving food. As the title suggests, the personal attendant performs personal services for the employer, such as mending, washing, and pressing garments, or seeing that these jobs are done. They also help the employer dress and help keep the private quarters clean and tidy. Besides, the child monitor cares for children, giving them baths, giving them meals, and helping to maintain their routine. Baby sitters may perform some or all of these tasks, but at most in a daily or hourly basis, rather than on a full-time basis.
The diversity/careers of the housekeepers usually have more responsibilities yet less supervision. At the pinnacle is the home housekeeper. This can be a male or female who manages a household with a large staff of full-time workers. He or she directs the kids activities, orders food and cleaning supplies, keeps a record of expenses, and may even hire and fire people. The cook, the domestic laundry worker, and the ironer are usually restricted to the functions of cooking and laundry, but the cook’s responsibilities are broader in scope. The cook first plans menus or follows instructions, prepares the food, serves meals, and performs such duties as making preserves and fancy pastries. Meanwhile, companions are on more of a par with their employers. Indeed, they often are of the same social background. Their prime responsibilities are to act as aid or friend to a convalescent or a person living alone. They tend to their employer’s personal needs and often look after social and business affairs. While a governess does something of the same for children, supervising their recreation, diet, and health, according to the parent’s instructions.
As to diversity opportunities, although women predominate in household work, men also work in this field. Caretakers and yard workers help keep private homes in good condition. They are responsible for heavy work, tending the furnace, caring for the yard, painting fences, and the like. Likewise, a valet performs personal services for a male employer, such as caring for clothing, mixing and serving drinks, and running errands. Meanwhile, the butler, like the home housekeeper, may supervise other household workers, assigning and coordinating their work. He also receives and announces guests, answers the telephone, and serves drinks. He may assign these duties to a second butler.
Moreover, there are no formal educational requirements for most household workers and for other aspirants who wish to acquire this nature and diversity opportunity of household work. The ability to clean, cook, sew, wash and iron, and care for children is generally acquired by young people while helping with the housework in their own homes. And whatever skills are lacking usually can be acquired with experience as an assistant to an experienced household worker. The growing number of such household devices as dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, and electric mixers, however does make some classroom training worthwhile. The opportunities are available through some economics courses offered in high schools, vocational institutions, and by the government and state employment services. Personal appearance and demeanor are important to a person who wishes to do household work. Because of the close contact between household workers and the members of the household, employers look for agreeable, discreet, and trustworthy individuals who are neat, clean, and in good health.
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