The principle of workforce variety states that a company which hires a more diverse group of people (different genders, races, age, technical skills and even beliefs), is far more capable of understanding the market, giving the company a better shot at success compared to those who hire only a uniform group of hands.
On the other hand, many business experts believe that businesses who hire employees from different groups can extend their target markets to these different communities as well. The more varied a company's target market is, the greater is its ability to generate sales and income.
In the United States, there are now several state and federal laws that actually prohibits businesses from showing any kind of prejudice to its workers. But companies who do promote Diversity in its workforce face certain challenges as well. This is because clashes between different groups can sometimes be inevitable in the workplace. Hence, companies are urged to take the necessary steps and make the needed policies to prevent such incidents from ever happening.
Many experts say that communication is the key to a harmonious and peaceful working environment, most especially for businesses that are being run by a diverse group of people. For instance, employees that are non-native speakers should be given appropriate attention by the company compared to workers who are privileged enough to understand the native language.
And of course, there is the ever present issue of cultural bias. This should always be closely monitored by the company, making sure that no group or individual is treated less or unfairly because of his or her racial ancestry. The company must also promote a sense of sensitivity among its employees when it comes to gender, age or racial differences.
Creating a multi-cultural organization is a huge challenge for any company. But in spite of this, the benefits of having Diversity in the workforce can more than make up for the company's efforts. A company that is run and managed by different groups of people is more capable of understanding a market that is as equally diverse and colorful. This will also mean greater potential for innovation and creativity for marketing and product development.
In a way, this can also be used as a good business marketing strategy. This is because it allows companies to create products that are made to appeal to a more diverse population. As mentioned before, the more diverse a company's customer profile is, the more is its capacity to earn income. And last but not the least, companies which are run by a more diverse group will have an easier time introducing the product to a different target market.
Today, there are now organizations which aim to promote and develop variety in the workplace. One example is MentorNet, a non-profit entity which aims to help businesses develop a more diverse workforce. They usually focus on women and other minority groups in the country and offer mentorship to these groups of people who are dealing with issues related to workplace Diversity.